Thursday, March 29, 2012


Been down for some time now, and I turned to my reliable source of pick-me-ups: music. I’ve been drowning myself with loads of it, and lately I realized three of my most favorite songs are songs “owned” by someone: Your Song, A Song for You, and Ang Aking Awitin (My Song).

Pardon the missing images on this post.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Play time

Lately the urge to shoot hasn’t really been there, but last weekend we went to a kids’ party, and I thought I got a few interesting ones – apart from the usual party snapshots.

The Shot

All you have to do is think happy thoughts...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Snow, Day 2

So finally New England got a dose of “normal” snowfall and accumulation. And there’s just something about snow and kids – so off the two kiddos went, and really enjoyed their share of snow.

I posted a few pictures yesterday of my eldest, and the next two below is my youngest.

Snow tasting


And this is one of my favorites from this afternoon’s “session”:


Friday, January 20, 2012

Finally snow

Winter’s been really mild here in New England. I’m not complaining – it’s just that playing with a little bit of snow is one of the few things we look forward to in winter.

So finally we’ve had some overnight accumulation, may 2 or 3 inches? As soon as Justine woke up and saw the snow, she went out and played. And of course, off I went and grabbed my camera.

(All shot with XSi and 50mm.)

White, Out


White, Out


White, Out


White, Out

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Starting the year right

What better way to start the year than by family trips! My family went on back-to-back weekend trips to Atlantic City, New Jersey and New York.




Atlantic City, NJ


Atlantic City, NJ


At the top of the Atlantic City aquarium




Aside from Atlantic City, our main purpose was to stuff ourselves full with Filipino food, and in the East Coast, that means Jersey City (Max’s of Manila especially) and Woodside, NY (Jollibee and Red Ribbon bakeshop). No pictures there – no one wanted their picture shoving food into their mouths. Smile

All in all a great trip, made more memorable with infrequently-seen family and infrequently-tasted food.

Catching up…

Ok, I’ve been very busy since I came back from my trip, and have not been able to update my blog. For the (rest of the) New Year, I’ll strive to post more regularly, even if it’s just a picture a day.

Here are a few more images from the Philippines.

My nephew and niece, with a view


A boy and his horse


This here below is Taal Volcano.
